Monday, January 5, 2015

Introduction: Who we are and our promise to you...

Your hair says more about your health than you might realise, and if we're honest its often one of the first things we notice (and judge) about other people, unless you're prone to staring at peoples feet. Which means that we too are subjected to the same judgement from others, its enough to knock our confidence right out of us when we're having a bad hair day, or have succumbed to just having "bad hair".  We spend hours drooling over the hair styles and locks of the rich and famous, wishing that we had just half of their time and money to look that fabulous, we convince ourselves that we're not good enough, rich enough or important enough to have beautiful hair.  Many of us don't have the money it costs to maintain our colour professionally, we can't afford a weekly blow out, or a six week trim. Some of us have over processed, dry, brittle hair, some experience hair loss through use of poor product choice, medical problems, stress.  Frizzy, oily, flat, too thin, too thick, flaky scalp, psoriasis, bad at home treatments, The list is quiet literally endless.  Its okay though because our clients spoke and we listened...

At Salon Gioje NYC we believe that healthy hair begins with a health diet, and healthy products. As a company we're committed to promoting health as a lifestyle and not just a quick fix. Beauty is created from the inside out, and every choice we make, about the foods we eat, the products we use, and interactions we have either adds to, or steals from our personal beauty.

Its our intention to not only create the highest quality, affordable, natural, non toxic and chemical free hair products, but to also create a community in which all aspects of natural beauty is celebrated.  Our commitment to you, our customers, friends, and family is that we will endeavor to only promote companies, products and advice that are in line with our ethics.  Sometimes we might miss the mark and we welcome polite feedback so that we may correct our mistakes.

Our company and brand is built around you, everything we do, every product we create, is because of you.  You are what matters to us.  In the upcoming posts we will address some common hair and product myths, give practical, useful advice for hair care, and promote total wellness.  We would love to hear your suggestions and questions for articles and posts, so that we can continue to grow beautiful, healthy hair with you and for you.

We look forward to this adventure, and thank you in advance for joining us on it.

Salon Gioje NYC